Life's a Spark New Song Release - Your Feedback
We are near to finalising our new track: “Life’s a Spark (and it can dance)”. Being an indie band we rely on ourselves and our fans to get things done… and one of these “things to get done” is to ask for outside feedback on our productions.
We get very (too?) close to our work and it can be very useful to solicit outside perspectives on our output. I did talk about doing this for this particular song about a year ago in one of our livestreams, and after many twists and turns in the studio we (eveeeeeentually) are ready to begin our sharing of the track to the world… starting with you.
Bottom line is we asking you to take a little of your time to do a review on the song using the Google form below.
We will use this info to do final tweaks / major changes if necessary. In case you are interested, we will also be running a review on Reverb Nation as well, but my guess is most of you won’t be on there, so we would appreciate your feedback below. The song link to Soundcloud is shared on the form. Also, you are asked to confirm your email on the form, but Google doesn’t share that with us so your feedback is anonymous. In other words, please be completely honest as this would be of most value to us.
Look forward to hearing back from you. And thank you in advance! Click here to give your feedback
Thanks for all your feedback! – the form submissions are now closed.