


10-track album. Mastered at The Townhouse recording studios, London, U.K. Only released in South Africa. Not available.

"Wake Up & Dream" (1996)

An international release, with the addition of “Weeping”, a cover of the anti-apartheid song by South Afican band Bright Blue.

"Butterfly Peepl"

10 (+3) Tracks. Track 11 contains a hidden track (track 11.3). Track 11.1 lasts for 2:58. Only released in South Africa. Not available.


(Pronounced “Next”). A 5-track EP with 2 tracks from Butterful Peepl (remixed/mastered), and 3 new tracks. Not available.


An album consisting of 13 tracks,  most songs from Butterfly Peepl and 3 tracks from N3x+. Remastered and sounding better!


Known as “Butterflies (Out of Time)”. 3 track EP. Mixes/remixes by Jason Moss, Keith Finney, Defective Sounds of London.



There is a legendary creature that has been described as a wild, woodland being – a symbol of purity, grace, magic…

"Life's a Spark"

Lifes A Spark (And It Should Dance)! Recorded during Covid 19 lockdown, with the rough track’s vocals recorded remotely.

"Harbour Song"

Special thanks for making this a reality: Marq Vas, who rediscovered it and Belinda Fewings for the cover image.


A collection of the band's videos from official and various sources, each conceptualised and produced in the own unique manner.

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